We invited Santas to Sok Kwu Wan to help us collect marine debris on the day. It was one of the coldest morning this winter, but the sun shined on us during our clean up and we had a Santa-stic
Lo So Shing Village Beach Clean Up with Koichi, Tamotsu, WWF and Christian Zheng Sheng College
On Friday 30th June, we gathered at So Kwu Wan Ferry Pier for a clean up. This was the first clean up event this year with the Japanese NPO Make-The-Heaven. It was Koichi’s 2nd time and Tamotsu’s 3rd time to
May the Force be with You, May the 7th the clean up
The theme for this clean up was “Starwars” or “black”. Closest weekend for “Starwars day—4th May”, why do we miss out a chance to clean up with Darth Vader? We met up at Sok Kwu Wan Ferry Pier at 1:30.
Happy Easter Clean Up
We hunt wastes but not eggs! Our Happy Easter Clean Up was on Sunday 9th April, at Lo So Shing Village Beach once again. We have been back to this beach quite often. The reasons? Simple. There are wastes. The
3.11 Charity Clean Up @ Rocky Bay, ShekO 19/03/2017
♪♬♩We cleaned in the rain ♬♩♪ The First Penguins 3.11 charity clean up @ Rocky Bay Beach, ShekO. It rained all afternoon on the clean up day, but we had 24 penguins including 3 first timers! Thank again for your participation,
Valentine’s Day Clean Up @Cheung Chau Island
{{Written in English and Japanese}} It was Valentine’s Day Beach Clean Up day today. We had the largest numbers of attendance ever! ( excluding the lovely Japanese group) 今日はバレンタインデーイベントを行いましたー! 今までで最高の参加人数❤️(日本からの参加の団体の皆さんは除く、でね。) ゴミが今まで行ったビーチに比べると少ない場所で行ったから、ゴミがなくてみんなが飽きてしまうのではと心配になったのだけど、みんなにそのことを話して、小さなプラスチックが海洋生物にとって危険だから、ぜひそれを取ってほしいとお願いしたところ、皆さん黙々とマイクロプラスチックも拾ってくれて。おかげさまでマイクロプラスチックも結構な量回収できて(砂もいっぱい入っちゃうけど)人出の多さのありがたさを痛感しました。 I was worried that the venue had less rubbish
Being @ Briefing on Policy Address
The First Penguins has been honoured to be part of the briefing on policy address. It was great to see Ms. Loh again! Ms.Loh and her colleagues have been very supportive to our beach clean up programs. Our little penguin was
Cheong Sum/ Kei Po Clean Up
Thank you very much for those who came to the Cheong Sum/Kei Po clean up on 15th Jan. We went back to Lo So Shing Village Beach once again, which was covered with plastics and forms. There were lots
Wishing you A Happy 2017!
The First Penguins would like to thank you all for your support, contribution, time and effort during 2016! Our first clean up event is on 15th Jan. We are looking forward to see you all there 🙂 The venue will
Lo So Shing Village Beach Clean Up
The 2nd day and 3rd day of the clean ups, we enjoyed the perfect weather at Lamma Island. After seeing and hearing frustrating situations at Lo So Shing Village Beach on FB group page, we decided to do the 2days