Thank you very much for those who came to the Cheong Sum/Kei Po clean up on 15th Jan. We went back to Lo So Shing Village Beach once again, which was covered with plastics and forms.
There were lots of rubbish in the water as well. Unfortunately the water was too cold to use the net.
We started the clean up after 2pm, about the tide has started be lower.
The theme for the clean up was CNY. So we dressed up in Cheong Sum/Kei Po thank you guys for putting effort to it! You look absolutely gorgeous!
I struggled to stop our hard working volunteers for breaks to have some rest, drink & snacks. They are so enthusiastic.
The volunteers received Environmentally friendly products from LUSH Hong Kong, and we had some Superfood sponsored by INCA Superfood.
The beach is devided into two sections by a walkway, we decided to concentrate on one side of it. After the two hours of clean up, we collected 18bags of rubbish.
Thank you and well done to all of us!
Our next event is on Sunday 12th Feb Valentine’s Day Clean Up! The details are on our Facebook page and Meetup page. See you there!!