The 2nd day and 3rd day of the clean ups, we enjoyed the perfect weather at Lamma Island.
After seeing and hearing frustrating situations at Lo So Shing Village Beach on FB group page, we decided to do the 2days clean up there.
We found out that there had been massive clean ups day before just close to the date. Unfortunately, there were more rubbish arrived after the clean up.
It was not a simple clean up, but was a very colourful and vibrant beach clean up! We encouraged all to COSPLAY ( dress up ) for the clean up on the day! There were people dress up in Samurai, Swan, Sushi, Kimono, Minion, Totoro, all kinds of animals, Chinese ghosts, movie characters…!
Lamma Island is a popular weekend destination. As you can imagine, many visitors of the island stopped and watched strangely dressed group of people cleaning up the beach curiously.
We had Ms. Christine Loh, Mr. Chris Chan from EPD and Mr. Sugita from Consulate General of Japan joined us that day, Ms. Loh and Masa shared their experience for us.
We enjoyed Ma-chan singing and dancing together. We had so much fun under the blue sky on the cleaner beach!!
SCMP editor was with us and Masa and some of us had interviews.
On the next day, the Japan group and a penguin went back to the beach for a bit more clean up.
We collected more than 60 bags over two days, the beach looked so clean and different.
The next morning we saw the picture shared on a Facebook. The beach was again covered with huge amount of rubbish.
Some might say that what we have done—beach clean up—means just like applying a plaster on the wound. At least I think we have learnt so much from doing the clean ups, and importantly, we also had lots of fun.
One of the Japanese people on the tour said when they saw the shocking picture. “It is lucky the rubbish came to us. It’s much easier to clean than when these are in the water. “