We invited Santas to Sok Kwu Wan to help us collect marine debris on the day.

It was one of the coldest morning this winter, but the sun shined on us during our clean up and we had a Santa-stic day!

This time, we have noticed the pattern of the wasted ashore is different from the other times.

Obvious increase in numbers of dead fishes, blue plastic bags, and fish food bags.

We covered one side of Lo So Shing Village Beach and a little beach next to it where it is not cleaned on regular basis.


We also had two people voluntary collected marine debris in the water, and removed quite a lot of ghost nets again this time.


As we had over 30 volunteers, we could also clean a cave called Kamikaze Grottos which

was created by Japanese during WW2, when the navy was based in Sok Kwu Wan.

With 35people, 55bags of wastes including lots of ghost nets, 7big polystyrene forms and 1 boat ( to be re-used!) Thank you for LoSo Shop for sponsoring us some water!


Photo credits: Yi Min Chen, The First Penguins

Santas are coming to a beach! 16th Dec 2017